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Myofascial Release for Chronic Pain
Myofascial work is a foundational element in how we treat chronic pain. This modality is a gentle technique that can be modified for lighter to deeper pressure. Since it targets the fascia it can be used for various soft tissue issues.
If you have had sessions that have been too painful in the past then you should try myofascial work. If you have had sessions in the past where the pressure was great but it didn’t seem to change anything, then you should try myofascial work.
What is fascia?
Fascia is a thin layer of connective tissue that surrounds and supports every muscle, bone, nerve, and organ in the body. It is composed of collagen fibers and elastin, and it can be found in various shapes and sizes throughout the body. Fascia is vital for proper movement and function, and it plays an important role in the body’s ability to heal from injury.
Myofascial Release Techniques (MRTs) are a type of manual therapy that focuses on the fascial system. They involve applying sustained pressure or movement to areas of the body that have restricted fascia in order to release tension and improve movement. Myofascial techniques can be used to address a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions, including chronic pain, sports injuries, and postural imbalances.
One common myofascial technique is called myofascial release. This technique involves applying sustained pressure to an area of restricted fascia until it releases and the tissue becomes more pliable. This can help improve the range of motion, reduce pain, and promote healing.
Another myofascial technique is called trigger point therapy. This technique involves applying pressure to specific areas of the body where there is a buildup of tension or pain. Trigger points are found in the muscles and they can cause referred pain or discomfort in other parts of the body. Trigger point therapy can help release this tension and reduce pain.
Myofascial techniques (MRT) are an important tool for orthopedic medicine practitioners in helping patients manage pain and improve their overall function. By addressing the fascial system, these techniques can help address underlying issues that may be contributing to musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction.
What can I expect with a Myofascial Release Massage?
Everyone is different, so everyone will need different techniques and no two treatments are the same. I will always go over techniques used so feel free to ask questions! Some techniques include:
Anterior Pelvic tilt correction (great for low back and hip pain)
Pelvic Floor manipulation (great for women and hip pain)
Dermal Pulls (just feels amazing, great for everyone)
Low back and scapula unwinding (great for shoulder, neck, and back pain)
The technique itself is slow moving and has a consistent pressure. This pressure is firm but does NOT hurt. Tranquil Therapy does not apply techniques that are painful and pressure is gauged for the clients needs. Some have described a “good” hurt that is more uncomfortable than painful.
What are the benefits of Myofascial Release?
Myofascial Release has been a go to technique since 2011 that continues to help my clients live a better quality of life. There is so much to say about this technique but feeling is believing. Myofascial Release can be combined with Trigger Point Therapy depending on the clients needs. Myofascial Release has shown a great improvement in :
Fibryomyalgia (reported full nights sleep and fit to keep her job)
Endometriosis (reported pain free long car rides and a more active lifestyle)
Headaches (reported fewer headaches in just 4 treatments and little to none in only 7 visits)
Chronic Pain (varies- ability to stand for longer periods, keeping jobs, and greater mobility)
Frozen Shoulder (getting movement back with MRT and strength training.)
Whiplash (reported less pain while driving and clearer state of mind)
Sciatica (reported little to no pain, and a more active lifestyle)
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Fascia and Myofascial Release-
by- Alexandra Sarkuni
Massage therapists around the world practice a variety of techniques, some of them rooted within alternative medicine. Myofascial release, or MFR, is a type of osteopathic therapy that alleges to treat pain and restore skeletal muscle mobility. It achieves this by improving blood and lymphatic circulation, stimulating the stretch reflex in muscles, and relaxing contracted muscles. This is achieved through manipulation of fascia, an elastic, tough, and thin type of fibrous tissue that sheathes muscles and other structures within the human body.
“Myofascial release” as a phrase was coined by an osteopath named Robert Ward in the 1960s. Ward partnered with physical therapist John Barnes to spread this new therapy. The techniques were popularized the teachings of Andrew Taylor Still, and remain relevant in massage centers today. In reality the person who started this path was named Ida Rolf. She later went on to modify the Rolfing technique to myofascial work. Both are fantastic therapies and have their own benefits.
Myofascial pain has two basic causes. Fascia can tighten over bones, muscles, and organs, binding them down and restricting the space they need to function. It can also become damaged itself, resulting in contracted muscular tissue and unprotected skeletal structures. Either of these two cases causes restricted blood flow to the afflicted areas, impairing healing and causing pain. Osteopathic theory posits that trauma, strain, infections, lethargy, or psychogenic disease can restrict the soft tissues of the body’s fascia, resulting in restricted blood flow, pain, and muscle tension.
Massage therapists apply myofascial release therapies to stretch and relax the fascia. These techniques intend to improve blood flow to the affected areas and loosen the fascia’s grip on bones and muscles. This is achieved through gentle, sustained pressure in specific areas, which is why it may also be referred to as myofascial trigger-point therapy.