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Frozen Shoulder Massage

     1 hour,  75 minutes, 1.5 hours, 2 hours, 2.5 hours
    $130, $165, $195, $250, $315

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    What is Frozen Shoulder?

    Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition characterized by stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint. It typically develops gradually, worsens over time, and then resolves, usually within one to three years. The exact cause of frozen shoulder is not fully understood, but it often follows an injury or a period of immobility, such as after surgery or an arm fracture.

    The shoulder is a ball-and-socket joint, surrounded by a capsule of connective tissue. Frozen shoulder occurs when this capsule thickens and tightens around the shoulder joint, restricting its movement. This limitation in movement can make even simple activities, like reaching overhead or behind the back, extremely difficult and painful.

    Frozen shoulder generally progresses through three stages:

    1. Freezing Stage: During this stage, any movement of the shoulder causes pain, and its range of motion starts to become limited. This stage typically lasts from six weeks to nine months.

    2. Frozen Stage: The pain may begin to diminish during this stage, but the shoulder becomes stiffer, and using it becomes more difficult. This stage generally lasts four to six months.

    3. Thawing Stage: The range of motion in the shoulder begins to improve. This final stage can last from six months to two years.

    Can Massage help Frozen Shoulder?

    Massage therapy can be a beneficial component in the management and treatment of frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis). Massage can help reduce pain associated with frozen shoulder. By improving circulation to the affected area, massage can aid in reducing inflammation and easing discomfort. The release of endorphins during a massage session also plays a key role in natural pain relief. Frozen shoulder leads to reduced mobility. Massage techniques, especially those targeting the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint, can help loosen and stretch these muscles. This can gradually increase the range of motion and decrease the tightness felt in the shoulder.

    It’s important to note that while massage can be helpful, it should be part of a comprehensive treatment plan for frozen shoulder. This plan may include physical therapy, exercises, and sometimes medical interventions as advised by a healthcare professional. It’s also crucial to work with a massage therapist who is experienced in treating clients with frozen shoulder, as they will understand the complexities of the condition and the appropriate techniques to use.

    What can I expect from my treatment?

    This massage is designed to show you what your body is doing, holding patterns, and take home exercises that will prolong the treatment. You can expect some myofascial release, trigger point therapy, stretches on the table, and assessment tests depending on what your body needs. Frozen shoulder has become a common work place challenge that when taken care of will leave you feeling like you can tackle any work day. I will go over everything I am doing so you understand your custom treatment plan. Treatments can vary from person to person but strength training is recommended for a rounded treatment plan.

    Are there benefits?

    The benefits vary from person to person since no treatment is the same for everyone. People often report less headaches, decrease in stress, more energy, life without constant discomfort or pain, and overall a feeling of wellbeing. Frozen Shoulder massage is great for painters, educators, graphic arts designers, coders, those that work in an office, restaurant,  and anyone that uses their upper body for long hours. 

    frozen shoulder massage after a move

    How can massage help with Frozen Shoulder?

    Massage therapy plays a significant role in pain relief and expediting recovery for individuals grappling with frozen shoulder. A condition medically termed adhesive capsulitis.

    This often distressing and movement-restricting ailment can significantly impact mobility and overall well-being. Integrating massage into your recovery brings forth a multitude of advantages that aid in mitigating discomfort, increasing mobility, and helps speed up the healing process.

    1. Alleviation of Pain: Frozen shoulder entails pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint. Massage therapy targets muscle tension and adhesions, allowing the muscles to loosen, and minimizes pain. Techniques such as “deep tissue” massage, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy precisely address affected muscles, delivering relief and increase range of motion.

    2. Enhanced Blood Circulation: Massage augments blood flow to the affected region. This enhances circulation and facilitates nutrient transport to the shoulder joint. This augmented blood circulation effectively reduces inflammation, encourages healing, and nourishes the neighboring tissues.

    3. Restored Range of Motion: Restricted mobility frequently accompanies frozen shoulder. Massage therapy actively fosters flexibility and movement by working out scar tissue and adhesions that could be constraining motion. Regular sessions progressively reinstate a more natural range of movement.

    4. Stress Alleviation: Managing the agony and constraints of frozen shoulder can be emotionally demanding. Massage therapy induces relaxation by eliciting the release of endorphins, the body’s inherent “feel-good” agents. This translates to decreased stress levels and an overall enhanced sense of well-being.

    5. Optimized Joint Lubrication: Frozen shoulder may result in reduced synovial fluid, vital for joint lubrication and seamless movement. Massage stimulates synovial fluid production, thereby fostering augmented joint lubrication and improved joint operation.

    6. Sustained Prevention: Consistent massage sessions offer a preventive shield against future bouts of frozen shoulder by sustaining joint mobility, muscle suppleness, and comprehensive tissue well-being.

    Frozen Shoulder Massage

    Massage therapy is an invaluable supplementary therapy for individuals grappling with frozen shoulder. By tending to pain, rigidity, and muscle tension, massage substantially contributes to reinstating the range of motion, mitigating discomfort, and augmenting overall life quality for those contending with this intricate condition. Tranquil Therapy creates a personalized treatment roadmap to get you results. Contact us to see how we can help you improve the quality of your life.

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