We are no longer in fishtown. Check us out in Lancaster.
Our last day was June 26th 2023 at our fishtown location. Scroll to see how you can book for our “Last Sunday” days in Philadelphia.
Want to have me teach? Want workshops or chair massage? Send me a message!
Tranquil Therapy Clients can schedule the last Sunday of the month!
Our location is. 2424 east york street philadelphia pa. We are on the third floor in suite 301-E. When you arrive let Ashley know by sending a text, Ashley will then buzz you in.
Every last Sunday of the month Ashley will be in Philadelphia taking 90 minute sessions at specified times. To book these times you must be a client already. Log into your schedulicity account and then navigate to Tranquil Therapy. From there you will see a “class tab” with the 90 minute session times. Book yourself or get on the waitlist for the time(s) that work best for you. In the event that someone cancels whomever is on the waitlist will get priority.